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Sunday, April 15, 2018

Pantai Melasti Tanah Lot

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Pantai Melasti di Bali ada Dua, Pantai Melasti di Ungasan dan Pantai Melasti di Tanah Lot. Kali ini saya akan membahas Pantai Melasti di Tanah Lot. Jaraknya dari Denpasar kurang lebih 44 menit dengan mengendarai mobil. Kamu bisa cek lokasinya disini.
Disebut Pantai Melasti karena dipantai ini sering diadakan upacara Melasti (penyucian diri bagi umat Hindu). Pantai Melasti berada tepat disebelah Pura Batu Bolong dan Pura Tanah Lot, kamu hanya harus berjalan 3 menit melewati Resto Melasti. Jadi ini lah pribahasa yang tepat dari 1 dayung 2 3 pantai terlampaui.  Hahaha

Meskipun Pantai Melasti ini dekat dengan Pura Batu Bolong dan Pura Tanah Lot tapi pantai ini jarang pengunjung. Mungkin banyak yang belum tahu. Ketika saya datang pantai ini sepi,dan hanya ada beberapa pengunjung lokal.

Yang terkenal dari Pantai Melasti di Tanah Lot adalah air terjun nya,namun sayang sekali ketika saya datang tidak ada air terjun. Memang air terjun ini, hanya ada pada musim hujan, jadi saya harus berpuas diri dengan pemandangan yang sangat mempesona dari pantai ini. Ya saya sangat puas, saya tidak kecewa, dan membuat saya mempunyai keinginan untuk datang lagi ketika musim hujan. ^^ 
Pantai ini sangat indah, bejajar batu karang, dengan pola-pola yang membuat saya berpikir, apakah pernah ada bangunan, atau peninggalan pra sejarah disini. Saya termasuk orang yang suka berimajinasi sehingga ketika melihat itu, saya sudah berpikir wah mungkin saja dulu seribu atau dua ribu tahun lalu, disini pernah ada pura atau candi. Hahaha
Setelah berbincang-bincang dengan penduduk lokal yang bernama Pak Ketut, beliau menjelaskan kalau batu karang itu alami dan sudah lama seperti itu. Begitulah rasa penasaran saya sedikit terobati. Namun apabila ada arkeolog yang datang dan mengatakan kalau disana ada peninggalan pra sejarah, saya akan lebih senang lagi. Saya suka arkeologi dan sejarah.

Tebing batu karang di Pantai Melasti sangat indah, kamu bisa sekedar duduk di ceruk tebing untuk beristirahat dari panasnya terik matahari. Pantai ini memiliki pasir hitam yang indah, kalau beruntung kamu bisa menemukan cangkang kerang yang lucu. 

Jangan lupa untuk melihat matahari terbenam,dijamin kamu akan takjub dengan warnanya. Biru tua, biru muda, hijau, kuning, oranye, dan merah.Sungguh menakjubkan ciptaan Tuhan, bersyukur saya bisa menikmati keindahan ciptaan Nya.


Friday, April 13, 2018

Pura Alas Kedaton - Monkey Forest

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Alas Kedaton

Pura Alas Kedaton or Pura Dalem Khayangan kedaton is a temple in a forest inhabited by hundreds of monkeys. More interestingly, Pura Alas Kedaton is one of the temples of the Megaletic era. * @ *


Alas Kedaton is located in the village of Kukuh, Marga district, Tabanan district. The distance is about 46 minutes from Denpasar. For more help, let's use google maps. I am always helped by google map. ^^

Enter the parking area don't forget make sure all the car windows are closed tightly, and if you ride motorcycle, park near the entrance. The monkeys here are naugty ^^ they are sometimes distracted by high curiosity.

Go inside you will be offered by some tour guide, if you want to know more about Pura Alas Kedaton and Monkey Forest, the tour guide is quite helpful.

Inside, don't be surprised if you are immediately greeted by monkeys and Monkey statues. You can also buy nuts for their food. They are not an aggressive monkey but you also have to be careful, and don't be disturbed.

Here you can see monkeys doing various activities. Eat, drink, play, and the most interesting is to find lice. Yes this activity is what catches my attention, they can line up and search for fleas, like humans. ^^

The most interesting behavior is mother and monkey child. Parent instinct is also owned by a monkey, so don't you dare bother a cute monkey child. Hold your wish to hold him. Ha ha ha

When I look at their various activities there that impress me, there are two monkey children who hugged each other. When I came, one of them started upset and tried to protect his brother. They love each other. Monkeys can love each other is not humans should be more able to love each other??
Little Monkey

I hope to come again to visit this cute monkeys <3 span="">


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Sindhu Beach, Sanur

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Sindhu Beach

Sindhu Beach is located in Sanur area of ​​Denpasar, Bali. The distance of sindhu beach and adjacent sanur beach is approximately 33 minutes by foot, so it is not uncommon to think that Sindhu beach is sanur beach. First I came to this beach, I also thought sindhu beach is sanur beach. Understand I am also a migrant. This i share the location of Sindhu Beach ^^
Along the beach are many cafes and hotels serving a variety of seafood and lounge chairs. From cheap to expensive. You can choose. I prefer to sit in a gazebo located on the beach.

When I take a walk on the coast of Sindhu there is something interesting, there are 2 gazebo that is surrounded by sea water, I wonder if I want to go there seems to have to hire a canoe.

On the beach there are various sindhu water games, so for those who like water games like banana boat, canoe, jetski you can rent it. You can also rent a bicycle to get around along the road already provided for cycling.

Looking at the beach with calm water, made me feel like a drifting current. The heart is calm and peaceful. From sindhu beach you can also see nusa penida and "Agung Mountain". One day I hope also will go to "Nusa Penida". Thank God so i can enjoy this beauty ^^